Getting more profit in lesser hours



Job does steal your time and you work many hours to fulfil the dreams of someone else. Does running a business or freelancing means that you have more time for yourself and family? 

When you run business without knowledge or funds, there is a high probability that you are working more hours than a normal job.

As of August 28 2020, I was working too hard for more hours though I planned to work less hours. My lovely friend in USA was working too hard on her business ideas and just got 3 hours a sleep a day.

Business is very hard as of 2020.You need many things like the following for a proper successful business and each of them takes many years often:

1. Own website for your idea

2. Lawyer and the legal disclaimer/agreement documents

3. A good network/marketing strategy to get the target audience or clients for your ideas

4. Help of experts or knowledge who can help with above.

5. Time to do your work that is your area of expertise

6. Ensuring you get profit


1. Focus on Business that gives Profit and not service

Write down all the business ideas. Even if you want to change the world with your service, in the beginning of the business days, it is highly important to make profits for your needs as well for the business. When the business does not make profit, major problems can occur soon. You might end up spending everything for the business and have nothing for your needs. If you do not have money to pay for your needs, how can you even work and procced?

2. Record the expenses

Record the expenses that are going for the business like Internet,  mobile, SharePoint Online/Azure, tools  etc for Office 365 Consulting/your expertise. Open your bank account and track the money that is going for the needs and for the business. Ensure your business makes profit. I was once paying for my clients to help them.

 Please do check if you are actually paying for the client or the client paying you?

 You can use the profit for your Savings first and then business growth. Cutting cost does not mean cutting cost on basic business needs. My mobile display was giving problems and I was not getting a new mobile for a long time and that was so foolish. After getting a new mobile, I got to attend a "Remove Money Block" class in WhatsApp that is awesome. I was not using WhatsApp for 2+ years, working hard with no friends/time for family. How nice it would be if major advertising costs can be reduced with the power of mobile?

3. Time Management

Ensure that the tasks you do are generating revenue and peace of mind. I have still not learnt about this and I was sleeping just 2 hours suddenly this week though I was planning to have good sleep. I was prioritizing the tasks and realized, I was foolishly wasting time on helping people on free Facebook groups rather than help paying clients. I really feel the pain of a business woman who is running a play school and she is screaming for help from an entrepreneur in email and disappears. She has reached a stage where she is cleaning the play school and she is ill and has got lost sleep, and wonders

"What has become of my dream. I cannot work anymore. I am trapped. Exhausted..."

The author is unable to reach out  to her to help and says that 


I am hoping to read this book soon to fix my issues and hope you read and change the systems to ensure you are not trapped by working too hard with no profit


Though I am almost forced to lose sleep or food with client requests or my experiments to make profitable business, I have learnt my lesson that Good sleep is not only good for health, but for business too. I used to work everyday and my productivity was not that good. When I take leave on weekends, my productivity increases tremendously and I can complete a coding task much faster in 2 hours on Monday than 3 days on weekend with no result.

If you have tips that helped your business to make profits, do share them.
